布里斯本_卡布丘Caboolture 🍓草莓農場-計件 想集二簽想馬上卡位就趁現在快點報名即可喲。 開工日期:3月 三月開始種苗,接著剪枝。 五月就是大家最期待的採果跟包裝。 之後季節一直持續到10月左右。 季節結束我們也有配合南澳阿德雷得草莓農場一樣可以繼續銜接工作集二簽喲。
💰種苗價格 1000株落在40-45 我們場的價格以往比其他農場再高一些。包括採果跟包裝也是。 若有興趣從種苗開始的夥伴們如果在種苗尚未開工前先報名入住農場所分配的share house 可免收房租直到開始實施種苗工作。
🏠住宿農場綁住宿,底下有分配的Share House 讓大家入住。為了讓各位工作夥伴能更加融洽開心工作。也比較快熟悉彼此結交新朋友。農場每年也都會盛大舉行農場派對🎉為了讓大家能在辛苦工作之於也能開心的玩了享受澳洲農場生活🍓
住宿價格💰:110/一週(一個房間最多三個人) 如需情侶房120-135/一週
- We pay $40 to $45 per 1000 plant
- Start around early March as soon as we got the plants from the nursery.
- We don't charge for the room before you start working so you can stay here for free until we start planting.
- Our rate is most highest rate in this area.
- We work for a few farms so you will be able to work more days than in only one farm
- After finish planting we do cutting dead leaves and cutting Runners in April and May before picking and packing.
- Picking and packing starts in the end of May
- Season will be finished in the end of October
- You need to be physically fit, Back pain is quite normal but planting season is the most happy season with making a lot of foreign friend.
- Do not worry about you have no idea for working here. All our supervisors are kind and friendly for you.
- As you can see that is not really hard job. Girls also can do it.
趁現在快點報名卡位草莓季🍓 即將開始種苗工作🍓
❤️有任何問題想詢問的可以私訊臉書或Line:angel403277 澳洲電話☎️:0490506321